How to Upload Image in Kubernetes?

Dear friends, today we will see how to upload image in Kubernetes? So let’s start and see step by step this process.

Uploading images to Kubernetes is a fundamental task when deploying applications in a containerized environment. Whether you’re using Kubernetes for development, testing, or production, understanding how to manage container images is crucial. Let’s walk through the process step-by-step.

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  1. Build Your Docker Image:
  2. Tag Your Docker Image:
  3. Upload an Image:
  4. Deploy Your Application to Kubernetes:
  5. Apply the Deployment:
  6. Verify Deployment:

1. Build Your Docker Image:

Before uploading an image to Kubernetes, you need to have a Docker image ready. Docker images are typically built using Docker files, which define the environment and dependencies required for your application.

Here’s a basic example Docker file for a Node.js application:

To build this Docker image, navigate to the directory containing your Dockerfile and run:

Replace your-image-name with the name you want to give your Docker image and tag with a version or identifier for the image.

2. Tag Your Docker Image:

Once the Docker image is built, you need to tag it with the appropriate repository name if you plan to push it to a Docker registry (such as Docker Hub, AWS ECR, or a private registry). Tag your image using:

For example:

3. Upload Image in Kubernetes:

To upload the Docker image to a registry, use the docker push command:

For example:

4. Deploy Your Application to Kubernetes:

Once your Docker image is uploaded to a registry, you can deploy it to Kubernetes. Here’s a basic example of a Kubernetes Deployment YAML file (deployment.yaml):

Replace registry-url/your-repository/your-image-name:tag with the image reference you pushed to your Docker registry.

5. Apply the Deployment:

Apply the deployment configuration to your Kubernetes cluster using kubectl:

6. Verify Deployment:

Check the status of your deployment:


You should see your deployment and pods running successfully.


Uploading an image to Kubernetes involves building a Docker image, tagging it appropriately, pushing it to a Docker registry, and then deploying it using Kubernetes manifests. This process allows you to effectively manage and scale your containerized applications in a Kubernetes environment. By following these steps, you can streamline the deployment process and ensure your applications run smoothly in Kubernetes clusters.

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